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We are currently accepting babies, toddlers, and tweens. If you have the next Gerber Baby, a child with tons of character or an expressive little face, we want to take a look. 

If we feel your child is right for us at this time, we will surely be in touch. 

If you don’t hear back from us, don’t be discouraged. This can simply mean we may have enough kids with your child’s look, age group or in your area. We wish we could work with everyone, but that’s just not possible. 

1. Professional photos are NOT required, just a clear shot.

 2. No sunglasses or your little one with chocolate cake all over their face. 

 3. No nudity of any kind.

 4. It’s important that you please read the FAQ page on our site. It contains information on what to expect, the process should you be accepted, and how the business works.

All Rights Reserved Who's That Baby-2019 Free Baby Contest

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